The first Virtual Reality theater recently opened in New York City. Located in the East Village, the theater offers a deeply unique Virtual Experience. For $35, every Friday, you can watch 360 degree movies with Oculus Gear as well as try Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. It’s the deal of a lifetime.

Here is what to expect:

360 movie theater.

The space has 2 floors. The first one is a VR theater. Put headphones and VR headset on, pick a movie and jump into a completely different world. Watch sunrise and sunset on the top of a mountain, take a boat through the Grand Canyon, fly into outer space, look inside of the Large Hadron Collier, be in the middle of the horror movie. These, any many other things, await. Look around like you’re there, enjoy binaural sounds and forget about your regular movie experiences. Now you is a part of it.

Oculus Rift

On the second floor, Jump into the Light has a playground. The latest VR technology is available here to try. Oculus Rift is one of them. Create shapes by just using your hands. See how, just moving your hands, you can make something appear out of nothing. The sensation feels like almost being a god.

HTC Vive

Put on the headset, take controllers and start to create or play. Tilt Brush by Google provides you the unique, exciting experience of creating wonderful pieces of art, in 3D. Change colors and brushes, walk through your art, paint around yourself – you’re limited only by your imagination.
Here, in Jump into the Light, you can also try VR games for HTC, like shooting targets, throwing balls and more.

3D scanning

Selfie lovers can now take it into the next level – make your selfie in 3D with 3D scanning. All you need to do is stay still for about a minute or so to get a photo of yourself in 3D. How wonderful is that?

Who should try Jump into the Light? Someone who is craving a new experiences and excited to learn about the latest innovations – families, couples, singles – anyone. Just make yourself available on Friday night and Jump into the Light.

For more information and tickets visit the website –

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